Our Team of Engineers as Teachers...

Here is our Team of Engineers...

Kavitha Thankaian

Electronics and Communication and Computer Science Engineer




Priyatham Valipe

Embedded Programming

Electronics and Communication and Information Technology Engineer

Suhas Mandya Siddaiah

Embedded Programming

Electronics and Communication and Information Technology Engineer

Carlo Ferri

Space Simulator Course Teacher

Aerospace Engineer


Mousami Jagdish

Electronics Communication / Information Technology and Aerospace Engineer

3D modeling and ICT 


Amogh Kashyap

Electronics Communication Information Technology and Aerospace Engineer

Raspberry Pi / Python Programming

Franklinpraveen Simon Radha

Automotive engineer

3D modeling, printing, robotics


Vasanthraj Selvarajan


Automotive Engineer


Expertise in

C, C ++, Python, VBA, Arduino, Raspberry pi
Robotics, Robot Operating System (ROS), Computer Vision